Hi there! Thanks for stopping by. My name is Linda Parra or Dr. Linda Parra officially on paper. I’m a dentist
by trade but have a passion for styling all
things including my children, home, and anything that crosses my path.
I wear a lot of hats, but the one I wear the proudest and probably my most
flattering is mom & wife. I’m a wife to Ever (also known as Dr. Ever or
upper case Ever) a mother to Elle and baby Ever aka “Papi!”
This blog page will be all over the place (just like my life). I will be sharing
LOTS of things: recipes, mom hacks that work for me, styling finds, things
that help me and make my life easier and lastly my two cents on topics I’m
passionate about.
I hope to offer a little more substance than my daily posts on Instagram but
I hold no promises, lol! I tend to write on a whim when I’m feeling inspired! I
can never do things without intention & purpose.
From the bottom, middle, & top of my heart, thank you for all the love &