I began writing this when I heard the leak about the Supreme Court overturning Roe vs. Wade. I’ll admit that I thought it would never happen, not in a million years, because it would set us back 5 decades. Not in MY America, nope… but today YES. I’m heart broken, appalled, and in utter shock. I’m sure it’s not in my personal best interest to write this, but if you know me (or anything about me), you know I COULD NEVER keep my mouth shut when I feel strongly about something so much bigger than myself.
So I’m going to share something incredibly personal, something I wrote about years ago but in a different pretext. If you’ve followed me for a long time you know I had a pregnancy right after Elle, and you know she was a girl and her name was Everly. You probably also know I lost her at 24 weeks. She had severe skeletal dysplasia, and without getting too medical, she was never going to survive. I was faced with a heart shattering decision to wait and carry her full term or end the pregnancy. IF I carried her full term, I’d deliver an unformed baby who had never lived. Everly’s chest would have never developed enough to fit her lungs and heart, she could never survive. I was devastated, I was distraught, I was dead inside, but I also knew I could never continue carrying her knowing her fate. I wanted to move on from the heart break and mourn our loss as soon as possible. I had a D&C, a medical abortion, an ABORTION for lack of a less invasive term, and I’m grateful I had that option at the time. My doctor was also grateful I had that option. It didn’t make the process any less traumatic but I’m forever grateful I had the choice. The. Choice.
Fast forward to today: I cannot fathom the idea that a woman in my shoes (or any shoes) may not have the same options as I did. I’m angry to think my daughter may not have the same rights as her mother. This is far from over, and I know I’ll fight hard for her and every little girl growing up in these crazy times. This wasn’t easy to write, and it’s not going to be a popular opinion, but I had to say it. I had to write it from my heart. However, if we are being honest, what breaks my heart the most, is that some women (privileged women) will continue to be able to make choices about their own bodies while the less fortunate will not. Abortion will never stop, it just depends on who it’s for.
I know someone is a going through argue that my circumstances were different but a woman’s circumstances are none of our business. Whatever reason she may have are her own and no court should decide her options. So no matter how you personally may feel about abortion, it’s just that PERSONAL. There are countless other issues that will arise from this decision, but that’s another blog post. My heart goes out to everyone this decision will effect, and anyone who is scared and broken hearted.
Dr. Linda Parra
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