Cue the Lana Del Rey song “Summer Time Sadness” I know I’m not the only one that feels it. I blame an Instagram quote I read years ago that said “You only get 18 Summers with your kids.” That one cut deep especially when one was already 7 summers deep with Elle. During the school year I’m so busy that auto-pilot mode kicks in and it’s just go go go but once things slow down both at home and work in the summer the sadness sinks in. I feel the clock ticking away with my children. The growth spurts that happen every summer don’t help either. I literally watch my kids grow up before my very eyes and there is nothing I can do to stop it but enjoy the growth.
That said, my kids will insist they had the best summer. They love staying up late, sleeping in, and enjoying slow mornings. They may not remember our Cabo vacation from the start of summer, but they cherish the memories of pizza for breakfast and staying up past midnight. As I prepare to dive back into my routine, a final wave of anxiety washes over me—the surge of tasks that come right before back-to-school season, like shopping lists, sports physicals, activity registrations, and birthday parties. Yet I find peace in knowing that I spent my summer savoring the beauty of simply being present in the mundane moments.
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